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The Wundershirt Vision

Whether you are a 3-time Olympic medalist, a high-school track star, or just an everyday person getting in their daily workout routine, Wundershirt wants to bring the future of performance apparel technology. You will notice you have longer workouts with a quicker recovery time to get back to your favorite activity. Wundershirt also reduces pain and regulates the body temperature. Wundershirt works, tested in multiple labs across the nation, you’ll see the benefits. Go ahead, try it.

Sam Sanders

Sam is a recent graduate from Syracuse University majoring in Entrepreneurship and Emerging Enterprises, Finance and Supply Chain in the Whitman School of Management. He was awarded the Undergraduate Excellence Award in Entrepreneurship which is given to one senior majoring or minoring in entrepreneurship in Whitman. Wundershirt was born in the Whitman School, and is a part of the Couri Hatchery and Student Sandbox incubators. Sam started his first entrepreneurial venture when he was a junior in high school - a school wide March Madness® tournament to help raise funds for the Red Cross.  He plans on using the skills he has gained through college and work experience to make Wundershirt a success.

Michael Shaw

A recent graduate from Syracuse University in the Whitman School of Management.  He was the VP of marketing for the entrepreneurship club.  He has grown up around the retail industry.  With a focus in marketing, he has the right tools to bring exposure to Wundershirt.

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